Jul 20, 2010

Chicagoist Gets it Wrong II

I like the ignorant remark in this article at the Chicagoist
about HB 5832 being signed into law. 

"House Bill 5832 adds an extra 1- to 3-year prison sentence for convicted criminals found to have used a weapon unlawfully and without possession of an Illinois firearm owner's identification card (you FOID holders who hold up a gas station apparently get a break)."

It proves the preconceived notions and opinions of the author and goes to show that nothing short of outright unconstitutional gun bans and confiscation will do to please the disconnected Chicago mind.

I would think that tougher penalties for criminals would be welcomed not scoffed at?

Although this is a step in the right direction, I think these guys should be introduced to "Project Exile".  This is a program started in Richmond, Virginia in 1997.  The program took cases involving firearm use in crime from the State courts into the Federal court where a 5 year minimum sentence was imposed for conviction of illegal use of a firearm.