Dec 13, 2009

Ill. gubernatorial candidates on guns-WOW

In this AP story the IL gubernatorial candidates are asked two Second Amendment questions.

It is hard to believe some of these guys are smart enough to tie their shoes!

Didn't the US Supreme Court just give an opinion that stated the Second Amendment was an individual right?

Andy McKenna: "I believe in the Second Amendment and law abiding citizen's right to own firearms to protect their families and for sporting purposes.

Andy McKenna: "I am opposed to concealed-carry legislation."

He contradicts himself just a little.  This guy was the Chairman of the Republican party!  Wow, a RINO heading the party, that just makes me want to support them.  I am glad he resigned to make this run for office.  Now he can switch to the Democrat party like he should be in.  Good riddance!

Wow, some are far left nobody but government should have weapons, some just take the I don't know what to say because I don't want to offend anyone road.  Holy crap, these guys are spineless.

At least a couple of them had the backbone to speak their minds and stood for freedom.

Bill Brady: "I am opposed to any further restrictions to the ownership of firearms as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and would veto legislation banning the sale and possession of semiautomatic weapons."

Dan Proft: "I would veto such legislation. ... I believe arbitrary gun bans are unconstitutional and would oppose such bans."

Dec 7, 2009

New TV Ad to Air Tuesday for Brady Campaign...

Brady "Plan for Illinois" Commercial

What are your thoughts? Comments?

Brady Gains Endorsements

These are the legislators who have given endorsement of Bill Brady for Governor:

  • Senator Tim Bivins, Dixon
  • Assistant Senate Republican Leader Brad Burzynski, Clare
  • Assistant Senate Republican Leader John O. Jones, Mt. Vernon
  • Assistant Senate Republican Leader David Luechtefeld, Okawville
  • Senator Dale Risinger, Peoria
  • Representative Mike Bost, Murphysboro
  • Representative John Cavaletto, Salem
  • Representative Shane Cultra, Onarga
  • Representative Bill Mitchell, Forsyth
  • Representative Donald Moffitt, Gilson
  • Representative Rich Myers, Colchester
  • Representative David Reis, Willow Hill
  • Representative Keith Sommer, Morton
  • Assistant House Republican Leader Ron Stephens, Greenville