Hynes laid out three central planks to anti-crime plan
* Developing a statewide strategic plan to curb violence by using all available state resources, sharing more information across jurisdictions, and bringing various law enforcement agencies together.
* Ensuring law enforcement personnel are equipped with all of the resources at our disposal by rewarding good police work, encouraging better recruitment and early training, and modernizing reporting to reduce paperwork and increase information sharing.
* Keeping a laser-like focus on our youth, developing a comprehensive plan to:
1. Protect families in their own homes by cracking down on domestic abuse and serial offenders
2. End substance abuse before it starts by empowering our communities with the authority to shut down drug houses and evict dealers
3. Stop gun violence by encouraging anti-violence education, stopping the expansion of conceal-and-carry legislation, and partnering with community organizations that have proven successful at stopping violence
4. Attacking head-on the root cause of so much violence – the hopelessness and despair brought about by poverty – by providing better opportunities through a better education system, the ultimate long-term solution.
Attacking substance abuse more broadly the Hynes plan would also seek to: expand drugs in Illinois; institute coercive abstinence programs; require housing authorities to organize landlord training to spot drug abuse; prohibit plea bargaining that reduces alcohol-related offense to a non-alcohol related offense; consider lowering blood alcohol limit for repeat offenders.
Tough stuff.
Yeah, tough stuff. Sounds like a rerun of the Obama run. Follows the same liberal idea that we must be protected from ourselves in our own homes. I also like how he follows the practice of conglomerating as much authority and power under one roof as possible.
"....by empowering our communities with the authority to shut down drug houses and evict dealers"And why do we need to empower the community? Do most communities not already have police and laws that should shut down drug houses? Come on, what are we going to do, make drug dealing more illegal? That is working so good now isn't it?
"Attacking head-on the root cause of so much violence – the hopelessness and despair brought about by poverty"
Yes, the hopelessness and despair of poverty brought about by a government that will not allow growth of the economy.
On the education front, the Hynes plan notes:Now that definitely sounds like a liberal idea, let's get the kids in the government controlled school system sooner so we can start indoctrinating them at an earlier age.
“The state’s Center for Research in Law and Justice reported, “Striking empirical evidence from the Perry Preschool experiment in Michigan showed large differences between the arrest rates of students in the intensive preschool effort and a control group not in the program. Some have estimated that the preschool program generated $13 in benefits for every $1 spent, with most of the savings because of a reduction in the criminal behavior of boys.”
Pre-school as an anti-crime measure? Smart stuff.
In this post, Hynes talks about his plan to fix the budget by taxation.
Hynes admitted that some form of tax increase is needed to close a multi-billion dollar state budget deficit. But the comptroller also said his taxing plan is better for the bulk of Illinois families than the one proposed by incumbent Gov. Pat Quinn, Hynes’ main opponent in the Feb. 2 primary.
Hynes claims his plan would raise income taxes only on those families earning more than $200,000 per year, an estimated 3 percent of the population. He charged Quinn, on the other hand, with wanting to raise income taxes 50 percent on what Hynes calls “middle-class families.”
That is always the problems liberals see, it could not possibly be that the government spends too much or has poor financial judgement. What government office could do without a $1,000,000 desk. The liberals always see it as a "we aren't taxing people enough" problem. I wonder if any of the $200,000 a year income earners will leave Illinois like they left New York when they raised taxes on expensive "luxury" items like planes and yachts?
Sure, raise taxes, that will help our economy. How about lowering taxes so businesses can grow and employ people.
“Wealth is so concentrated in the upper tax brackets that we would generate more revenue from those taxpayers than the middle class,” Hynes said.
That statement alone sums his liberal mindset. I haven't heard a liberal speak that doesn't want redistribution of wealth. You know, take from those who work and give to those that won't.
Dan Hynes is simply pandering to his far left base to get the nomination of a party that is predominantly liberal. If he gets the nomination, as soon as the campaign starts he will abandon the public profile of these views for a more middle of the road public view to try and pull votes of those a bit more conservative. Just remember what he says now, it is likely his true belief.