Apr 29, 2010

Liberal Response to the Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law

Apparently the people at change.org think everyone who has light brown or olive skin is an illegal immigrant.  No physical appearance should not be as much a factor in reasonable suspicion as suspicious activities.
"Common sense dictates that if I, as a police officer, see blond-haired, blue-eyed Sue standing on the street corner, I won't think much of it. But if I see caramel-complexioned Juan Miguel, I now claim "reasonable suspicion" to ask Juan about his immigration status."-Change.org

I love the response to the Passage of Arizona Senate Bill SB1070 at the Daily Kos blog.

"Since I heard of this reactionary and evil passage and ramrod signing of SB 1070, I immediately thought that the best way to strike back would be a boycott of Major League Baseball."-Daily Kos

So, telling law enforcement they can question someone they have reason to believe is in the country illegally is reactionary and evil, and passage of it was ramrodding.  So what would they call the passing of a bill that a majority of the people do not support, the people RAMRODDING it through say we they have to pass it to know what is in it, and claim it must be done NOW, yet it will not have any effect for years?

I guess it is somehow inappropriate to enforce the law?  Boy, could we have used to enforce the law in 2008.  If the Congress had done it's Constitutional duty to verify the eligibility of the President Elect, we might not have the absolute plunge to socialism that is occurring in the country.

Arizona is in a unique position along with three other states.  Arizona shares a 378 mile border with Mexico, 24 miles along the Colorado River on the west and 354 miles of land border. New Mexico shares 180 miles of land border.  California shares a mere 141 miles of land border.  Texas shares 1255 miles of border, the Rio Grand River.  (Information is from the International Boundary and Water Commision http://www.ibwc.state.gov/Files/US-Mx_Boundary_Map.pdf)

There is a way to immigrate into this country in a legal manner.  I have no issue at all with those who wish to come to this country in a legal manner.  If someone chooses to enter this country illegally, why should we believe they will honor any other law of this country?

Arizona is in a position to have a high number of illegal persons.  Why would the law enforcement professionals not be allowed to question a person who is acting suspicious or seems nervous?  If you have ever been to Arizona, Texas, or New Mexico you know they are not going to arrest every person who looks Hispanic and verify their citizenship.  That would take several lifetimes!  Come on, are you ASSUMING that all law enforcement officers are racists and are going to arrest everyone who looks Hispanic?  That seems to be the case you are making.

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