Jun 12, 2010

Democrats in Their Own Words

I tried to come up with an opening staement for this, but it just explains itself so well.  I'll let the Democrats speak for themselves.....
"No one likes paying taxes, particularly abusive taxes with no accountability, but they are a necessity of life and part of the reality of living in a democratic society."-Illinois Democrats
 At least the Illinois Democrats are honest about how they are abusive and unaccountable with tax dollars.
"If you think the extremists on the right are going to go away, think again. Between the ultra right-wing religious fundamentalists and the neo-conservatives, they are taking over our country from top to bottom, and we, as progressives and liberals and Democrats, need to fight much harder against their distorted values and egocentric viewpoints. "-Illinois Democrats
 "Our view: we’re all equal—each and every one of us, no matter what we look like or believe in or don’t believe—as long as we don’t legislate or mandate or somehow force our views on others."-Illinois Democrat
 I see, they are allowed their views, they just won't tolerate a conservative Christian view.  In fact they ridicule, make snide remarks, and  file lawsuits because our views "offend" them.  Democrats-the party of equality and tolerance.  It seems they are open and welcoming to every view or religion EXCEPT Christianity.

"We’re pro-life as much as the religious extremists but we believe it’s a woman’s right to choose to give life."-Illinois Democrats
  Yeah, we just think the decision is made before the bedroom activities.
"They fight paper trails that would assure fair and honest elections."-Illinois Democrats
 Who was that undocumented worker in the White House?  Oh, thats right, Obama is the name.  How much money did he spend fighting the paper trail of his birth?
"They don’t question outsourcing valuable American jobs to China, India, Mexico, and elsewhere."-Illinois Democrats

By "they" I think they mean Conservative Republicans.  Have these Democrats looked outside their Chicago office in the last couple of decades?  Seriously, democrats haven't seen any Republican opposition to moving jobs out of the Country?

I guess Democrats don't question it either, they encourage it through the above mentioned "particularly abusive taxes with no accountability" that "are a necessity of life and part of the reality of living in a democratic society".
"Our view: We don’t like labels. We don’t fear those who are different. We like and welcome diversity. Our fragile democracy cannot survive with hatemongering and lying in the name of false “patriotism.” The extremes of fascism and communism are about people who blame others for their problems and want everyone to believe, behave, and look like themselves. That’s not us.”- Illinois Democrats

If you think the extremists on the right are going to go away, think again. Between the ultra right-wing religious fundamentalists and the neo-conservatives, they are taking over our country from top to bottom, and we, as progressives and liberals and Democrats, need to fight much harder against their distorted values and egocentric viewpoints. We must tell President Obama again and again he can’t be Mr. Nice Guy. The Republicans are the party of “No.” they’ve become the party of Tea-Baggers. They will never ever allow Obama a victory of any sort, no matter how good it may be for the country as a whole."-Illinois Democrats

So who was it that came up with these:

1. extremists
2. ultra right-wing religious fundamentalists
3. neo-conservatives
4. distorted values
5. egocentric viewpoints
6. Republicans are the party of “No.”
7. the party of Tea-Baggers
Seven labels in the opening paragraph of the article, I would hate to imagine that paragraph if they liked labels and fear mongering.

"They assure that their industries are too big to fail."-Illinois Democrats
 This has to be the funniest one, these guys don't know the Democrats came up with the "to big to fail" idea.

 This just goes on and on, not just in the examples of this ONE article.  Yes, all these are from one article posted at IL-democrats.org.  Look around at other media sources and you will find more of the same.

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